I recently had an important and eye opening conversation with my brother Jonathan about the essentials of photography, or any art in that case.
It made me realize and think, what is the purpose of a photograph; is to be wow that's a weird photo, or thats so nice and beautiful? No I think it is to get a deeper emotional reaction out from the viewer, how amazing would it be if you looked at a photo and it just made you burst out laughing? The purpose of a photo should be, when the viewer looks at the photo she/he sees the vision the photographer was trying to portray or makes the viewer think how the photo relates to them or their lifestyle, allowing a connection to be made, a relationship.
My brother had an excellent example of how art is portrayed:
-A painter can compose an abstract piece of art, with its man goal being the paint as the form and subject. And in return only a painter would be able to relate, apperciate and understand the piece.
-Then a painter could paint a car, person, or sunset. Allowing other artist's and some people to look and admire, then walk away and forget about it.
-Finally the painter could compose a piece of work that not only allow every one to understand and relate to the piece, but then make them think what the painter was trying to get across and how the painting has an impact on their opinion, way of thought, or their life and relates.
This can directly relate to photography as well, you can have a perfect lighting setup, perfect exposer, and composition. And only a photographer would appreciate the work, why not take those aspects and apply them to something meaningful, in-powering, or influential so the viewer can not only admire, but be affected, drifted off in thought, or even forever changed.
Create meaning and purpose in your photography, Im paying bundles of money why not have fun, who cares about the grades, as long as you pass and you fill you are being purposeful or creating something never done before, explore ideas never explored, and waking up and being excite about you work, art, and lifestyle